Learn Russian
at the Digital Pre-University Faculty
of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
hours of classes
with a teacher
Keep in touch
with Russian
Courses of Russian
The leading Russian university – RUDN University - invites everyone to join online and offline Russian language courses!

For more than 60 years we have been teaching Russian to international students – from schoolchildren to astronauts.

We’ve designed unique educational programs, which will help you gain proficiency in the Russian language from anywhere in the world.

Start learning Russian
For whom are the courses?
Our courses will be useful to you if you want to:
  • enter any Russian university;
  • obtain a higher education at RUDN with a discount;
  • learn Russian for studies, work, tourism purposes;
  • study Russian with a focus on the future specialization;
  • work or if you own a company that has business in Russia;
  • master a language that is spoken by more than 260 million people;
  • speak an official UN language;
  • read world classics’ works in the original;
Upon the completion of the Basic Course,
you will get a RUDN Certificate to enter Russian universities
You will learn to:
  • understand native Russian speakers in various contexts;
  • speak Russian in formal and casual registers;
  • read and understand texts in Russian, discern cultural specifics;
  • apply foreign language knowledge to solve professional tasks;
  • speak in the language of your specialization at the required level
Enroll for learning
Advantages of Studying at RUDN
Teaching foreigners
RUDN takes the lead in teaching Russian to foreigners.
Official documents
RUDN certificates are official documents and they are accepted by other Russian higher education institutions.
Educational platform
At RUDN you study on the most up-to-date interactive educational platform, getting tutor support 24 hours a day.
The biggest number of foreign students
RUDN takes the lead in number of foreign students. Students from 158 countries study at our university.
Huge work experience
More than 200.000 professionals have got their education at RUDN. They work in 170 countries.
Teacher staff, quality and quantity wise
More than 200 Russian language teachers work at RUDN. Our professionals teach foreigners from zero level to the proficient knowledge of the language.
The Digital Pre-University Faculty of RUDN is:
  • An international educational project for teaching Russian, including for the purposes of training schoolchildren and students for entering Russian universities.
  • An own interactive educational platform, support from tutors and real-life communication with Russian students at a time of your convenience.
  • Not only remote but also face-to-face education in Russia, with an option to live in the hotels of RUDN University.
  • Studying Russian with professional teachers of a leading university of Russia.
How is the educational process organized?
You can enter the Digital Pre-University Faculty
any time during the year!
Before entering you can get a test lesson on the educational interactive online platform.

You study within a “1+3” system: one student + three attendants: a teacher, a tutor and other students:
  • Classes with a teacher, 400+ hours
  • 24/7 tutor support in Russian and your native tongue.
  • Communication with Russian students at a time of your convenience
Programs and Modules
The Basic Course
consists of modules on Russian and general education subjects.

Upon the completion of this course, you will get fair knowledge and a certificate that qualifies you
for entering any Russian higher education institution. Choose an educational program for different areas of activity:
medical and biological, scientific, economic, humane, engineering and technical.
Separate Module or Combination of Modules
Our professionals will help you to pick required modules based on your goals and wishes.
Individual Lessons with a Teacher
You don’t like studying in a group? We will offer you individual lessons. Our professionals will develop a training program that meets your requirements and goals.
Modules Content
Russian language. Introductory phonetic course.
The student learns:
  • letters of the Russian language, alphabet,
  • vowels and consonants of the Russian language,
  • hard and soft, voiced and deaf consonants,
  • word, syllable, phrase,
  • stress and rhythm in Russian,
  • pronunciation rules, types of intonation constructions,
  • more than 100 words of the Russian language,
  • Cyrillic writing.
Russian language. Elementary level (A1)
The student
  • learns almost 800 Russian words

Talk with native speakers:
  • in a shop with shop-assistants and cashiers;
  • in a restaurant or cafe with waiters
  • in the classroom with the teacher and students
  • in transport and in the streets with Russian-speakers
  • in the clinic and pharmacy with doctors and nurses

The student will be able to:
  • ask the name, introduce themselves or another person, say hello, say goodbye, turn to someone, thank, apologize, respond to thanks and apologies, ask to repeat;
  • ask a question and report on a fact or event, a person, an object, on the presence or absence of a person or object, on the quality, ask and answer questions Whose? When? Why? Where?;
  • express a desire, request, offer, invitation, consent or disagreement, refusal;
  • express attitude: evaluate the person, subject, fact, action

tell a lot of interesting things:
  • about themselves, their childhood, study, work, hobbies and interests;
  • about their friends and family members;
  • about spending free time.

  • a large text (250-300 words) and understand basic information and notice important semantic details

  • a message from 7-10 sentences

  • on the proposed topic (at least 7 phrases).
Russian language. Basic level (A2)
The student:
  • learns 1,300 Russian words

The student will be able to talk with native speakers:
  • In the dean’s office, at different offices and departments, etc.;
  • at the post office;
  • at the bank;
  • in the library;
  • in transport;
  • on excursions;
  • by phone.

The student will be able to
  • enter into communication, get to know someone, introduce him/herself or another person, say hello, say goodbye, contact someone, thank, apologize, respond to thanks and apologies, congratulate, ask to repeat, express a wish;
  • ask a question and report on a fact or event, person, subject, on the presence or absence of a person or subject; about the number of items and their quality; about the action, time, place, reason and purpose of the action or event; express intention, desire, request, wish, advice, offer, invitation, consent or disagreement, refusal, permission or prohibition, promise, uncertainty;

express attitude:
  • evaluate the person, subject, fact, action, event.

talk and discuss important topics:
  • A story about yourself. Biography: childhood, study, work, interests.
  • My friend (acquaintance, family member).
  • The family.
  • Study, work (place of work, profession).
  • Learning a foreign language.
  • My day.
  • Free time, leisure, interests.
  • Hometown, capital.
  • Health.
  • The weather.

read and understand:
  • text (600-700 words), find basic and additional information

  • 15-18 sentences on the proposed topic

  • proposed topic (at least 7 phrases).
Russian language. First certification level(B1)
The student:
  • learns 2,300 Russian words

The student will be able to
  • communicate with native speakers in the following situations: in offices and departments; in shops, kiosks, at the cash desk; at the post office; at a bank, at a currency exchange office; in a restaurant, buffet, cafe, cafeteria; in the library; in the classroom; in the streets of the city, in transport; in the theater, museum, on excursions; at the clinic, at the doctor's, in the pharmacy; by phone, fax; in hotels; at the station, at the airport;
  • get to know someone in accordance with the norms of Russian speech etiquette;
  • introduce him/herself or another person, say hello, say goodbye, contact someone, thank, apologize, respond to thanks and apologies, congratulate; initiate and maintain communication, change the topic (direction) of the conversation; to attract attention, ask to repeat, remind, end the conversation;
  • request and report information: ask a question or report on a fact or event, person, object, on the presence or absence of a person or object, on the quantity, quality, belonging of objects; about the action, time, place, reason and purpose of the action or event; about the possibility, necessity, probability, impossibility of the action;
  • express intention, desire, request (demand), wish, advice, offer, invitation, consent or disagreement, refusal, permission or prohibition, promise, uncertainty, doubt;
  • express attitude: to assess the person, subject, fact, event, act; express preference, condemnation, surprise, sympathy, regret;
  • communicate verbally and in writing on the following topics:
    1. Biography: childhood, study and work, interests. The family.
    2. The choice of place of study or work, profession, etc.
    3. Education system: schools, colleges, institutes and universities in Russia and in the native country.
    4. The role of foreign languages in human life. Learning Russian.
    5. Lifestyle (working hours, leisure, traditions, communication with colleagues and friends).
    6. Free time. Leisure, interests, hobbies (art, sports, travel, etc.).
    7. The city. The capital. Hometown. The city as a center of culture and tourism. Problems of the modern city. Life in the city and in the country.
    8. Country. Russia. Its regions. Home country: geography, economics, culture, history, etc.
    9. Famous figures of science and culture of Russia and native country.
    10. Nature. Nature and man. Ecology.
  • read texts (900-1,000 words), understand the topic of the text, its main idea; understand the basic and additional information contained in the text, conclusions and assessments of the author;
  • write in Russian on the proposed topic (at least 20 sentences);
  • speak on a proposed topic (at least 20 phrases).
The student will:
  • learn the topics necessary for successful first-year university studies - theorems, rules and formulas expressing the basic relationships of elementary mathematics, basic concepts of the beginnings of mathematical analysis, etc.;
  • master the methods of solving and studying the main types of equations and inequalities;
  • be able to formulate the studied theorems and rules in Russian, use mathematical terminology and symbols; to formulate definitions (or give descriptions) of the basic concepts of the studied sections of elementary mathematics, vector algebra and mathematical analysis, explain in Russian and write down solutions using mathematical terms and symbols.
Computer science
The student will learn:
  • important definitions (descriptions) of the basic concepts of computer science;
  • names and functionality of the main computer parts; principles of information storage, information units;
  • Operating Systems;
  • structure of the file system for storing information;
  • main types of software and their purpose;
  • main objects in a text editor and processing methods;

The student will be able to:
  • use terminology in Russian and symbols of computer science;
  • formulate in Russian definitions (descriptions) of the studied basic concepts of computer science;
  • explain the functional purpose of the main parts of the computer; - navigate the main operating systems and file storage system;
  • navigate the main types of software (text editor, graphic editor, spreadsheets, presentations, etc.);
  • process information.
The student will learn:
  • basic concepts and laws of chemistry;
  • general scientific and chemical terms of great importance for further professional education;
  • atomic molecular theory; electronic structure of atoms; periodic law and structure of the periodic system of chemical elements; main types of inorganic substances and their chemical properties and methods of preparation; basic laws of chemical reactions; basic concepts of chemistry of solutions, theory of electrolytic dissociation; basic concepts.

The student will be able to:
  • use chemical terminology and symbolism, formulate definitions of basic concepts of the studied sections of chemistry in Russian;
  • make equations of reactions of transformation of substances of various classes based on their chemical properties;
  • solve problems, write formulas and reaction equations.
The student will learn:
  • several interesting topics from zoology: about the simplest animals, invertebrates, chordates;
  • main topics on human anatomy and physiology;
  • how to describe in Russian the cardiovascular, digestive, nervous and other systems of the human body.

The student will be able to:
  • understand and use important general scientific and biological terms;
  • characterize in Russian life forms and the diversity of species of living organisms.
The student will:
  • study mechanics, molecular physics and thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism in Russian;

The student will be able to:
  • apply basic terms and concepts of the studied branches of physics;
  • apply the laws of physics to solve typical problems;
  • formulate the conditions of tasks in Russian, explain and write down solutions;
  • solve computational problems requiring knowledge and skills from various branches of physics and mathematics.
The student will know:
  • periods in the history of Russia;
  • main events and dates of Russian history;
  • prominent Russian and Soviet figures and their role in the development of the state.

The student will be able to:
  • understand the scientific terminology of history in Russian;
  • tell about historical events from the ancient Russian state to modern Russia;
  • show on a map the territories where the most important historical events for Russia took place;
  • use the acquired knowledge in Russian.
Social Studies

The module "Social Studies" is the basis for the subsequent study of the humanities. It introduces the basic concepts of social sciences, political systems and economic models, gives a general description of the social structure of society and the main social institutions.

The student will learn:
  • basic terms of social science in Russian;
  • trends in society development, the most important social institutions;
  • interaction of man and society, social institutions, society and the environment;
  • public relations regulation, social norms, legal regulation mechanisms.

The student will be able to:
  • talk in Russian about the main social objects, highlight their essential features and patterns of development;
  • work with sources of sociological and historical information (maps, reference books);
  • talk in Russian about social phenomena, understand the interconnectedness and interdependence of the phenomena of economics, politics, culture and art.

The student will receive knowledge of fiction as a form of art and its significance; literary criticism as a science of literature; folklore as oral poetic creation; old Russian literature; Russian literature of the 18-20 centuries. The student will study the life and creative paths of Alexander Pushkin, Mikhail Lermontov, Nilolai Gogol, Ivan Turgenev, Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Anton Chekhov, will be able to use literary terminology in Russian, convey the main content of prose and poetic works.

Academic Russian

The modules are made to include the Russian vocabulary of the future major planned to take at a Russian university. Each of the modules includes more than 700 words from the field of the future specialty.

The student can choose one of the five areas of training: natural-scientific, biomedical, economic, humanitarian, engineering.

The student will know the basic terminology of the chosen specialty in Russian, prepare to understand lectures in Russian, work at seminars, study special literature and communicate in the academic and professional field

The student will know:
  • basic syntactic constructions and language units used in the scientific style of speech;
  • lexical and grammatical compatibility of words;
  • features of the use of scientific terms;
  • how to use syntactic constructions of the scientific style of speech, make oral and written statements.

Each module "Scientific style of speech" contains:
  • a large amount of illustrative material;
  • audio recordings and video lectures;
  • interactive exercises for mastering vocabulary and grammatical constructions.
Cultural module
The student will learn about:
  • the geography of Russia;
  • its megacities;
  • the peoples inhabiting the Russian Federation;
  • the main holidays of Russia, traditions of the Russian people;
  • the capital of Russia - the city of Moscow, its historical and cultural attractions.

The student will be able to take virtual excursions to the best museums of Moscow, get acquainted with the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), its faculties, institutes, academy and campus, learn interesting facts about the life of RUDN multinational student team from 157 countries of the world.

How to start your studies?
Entering the faculty is easy even if you don’t speak Russian! Fill in the form, make sure you specify a convenient time for a consultation and you will get detailed information on the programs and digital modules!
Leave an application to get access to the platform.
Get a link to sign up to the portal with a free test lesson.
Customized solution.
Get an educational program suited specifically for you.
Start your studies.
Face-to-face or remotely when you need it. Learn the language easily and be always in demand!
If you cannot find your question in FAQs, please write to us about it at langrus@rudn.ru.
How do I apply for studying?

To study with us, you need to send an email to langrus@rudn.ru the following documents:

You can ask all your questions to our administrators via WhatsApp, Telegram and Viber by phone:

+7-903-133-43-97 (for consultations in Spanish)

+7-926-521-44-53 (for consultations in English)

Is it possible to come to Russia during my studies at the Digital Pre-University Faculty of RUDN?
Studies at the Pre-University Digital Faculty is conducted entirely in a distance format. If you want to come to study on a face-to-face format, you need to transfer to the ordinary preparatory faculty and pay the difference in cost between educational programs.
What are the technical requirements for the training system? Can I learn from my phone?

The phone is only suitable for certain tasks. For full-fledged training, the student needs a personal computer or tablet connected to the Internet. The Internet speed should be at least 1 Mbit per second. The computer must be equipped with a webcam, speakers, and microphone, as the learning process includes webinars with teachers and audio courses.

To work on the training portal, we recommend using the following browsers: Google Chrome version 55 and higher, Mozilla Firefox 36.0 and higher, and Internet Explorer 8.0 and higher. You must have Adobe® Flash® player version 25 and higher, Acrobat Reader DC, WinRAR, 7 Zip installed.

How does the Basic course differ from studying separate modules?

The basic training course includes 9 modules. The modules that are included in the Basic course depend on the future profession that the student chooses.

For example, for future doctors, pharmacists, chemists, and dentists, The Basic course subjects will be:

  • Russian from 0 to B1
  • Academic Russian in the medical and biological profile
  • Chemistry, biology, physics.

For future philologists, linguists, journalists, political scientists, diplomats, psychologists:

  • Russian from 0 to B1
  • Academic Russian in the Humanities
  • History, social studies, literature.

For future economists, bankers, managers, auditors, marketers, accountants:

  • Russian from 0 to B1
  • Academic Russian on the economic profile
  • Mathematics, history, social studies.

For future ecologists, geologists, agronomists, biologists:

  • Russian from 0 to B1
  • Academic Russian in the natural science profile
  • Mathematics, physics, chemistry.

For future IT specialists, engineers, programmers, mathematicians, technologists:

  • Russian from 0 to B1
  • Academic Russian in the engineering and technological profile
  • Mathematics, computer science, physics.

After successful completion of the Basic course, the student receives a document to be able to apply to Russian universities.

Separate module. Students of the Digital Pre-University Faculty can choose to study any module separately. For example, "Russian language B1" or "Academic Russian in the Humanitarian Sciences". Students can also create their own combination of several modules.

Upon successful completion, the student will receive a certificate of training in the selected modules.

What are the differences between the Digital Pre-University Faculty and the on-campus Preparatory Faculty?
The Digital Pre-University Faculty allows students to study in their own country without having to come to Russia. It is cheaper than the preparatory faculties of other universities and you do not need to fill out a large number of documents for admission. The Digital Pre-University Faculty provides a flexible learning system: if you have previously studied Russian, you will start your studies from your own level of Russian language proficiency; you will be able to study at a convenient time and combine learning Russian with work, school or the University.
At what time will I have classes of Russian language?
We establish the class schedule based on your wishes, also taking into account the difference in time between the regions and other activities of our students.
Who can help me fill out an application and choose a program?

Administrators of the faculty are always ready to help you with filling out the application form and choosing a training program.

You can ask all your questions to our administrators via WhatsApp, Telegram and Viber by phone:

+7-903-133-43-97 (for consultations in Spanish)

+7-926-521-44-53 (for consultations in English)

What do I need for the online education?
The learning process takes place on the portal https://ruslovo.rudn.ru. The materials required for training are contained in the module lessons. For recommendations on additional books and textbooks on topics of your interest, you can contact your tutor.
Is it possible to continue studying the Russian language, if I already studied it previously?

You may choose the modules that you need, for example, if you already know Russian at the A1 level, you can choose the module "Russian language. Basic level (A2)".

Before enrolling in the Basic course, a test will be conducted, after which students with different levels of Russian will be divided into different groups.

When can I register for classes for Russian language?
The Digital Pre-University Faculty conducts enrollment of students continuously throughout the year.
Who can I contact if I have a problem with filling out documents/ education / accessing the system?

If you have any difficulties with registration of documents of education, questions about your education or the University – you can contact us by phone in the Contacts section, or by email langrus@rudn.ru.

You can ask all your questions to our administrators via WhatsApp, Telegram and Viber by phone:

+7-903-133-43-97 (for consultations in Spanish)

+7-926-521-44-53 (for consultations in English)

If you are already a student, you can contact your tutor and teachers at any time. If you encounter problems by accessing the learning platform please contact your administrator.

What do project partners do abroad?
Partner organizations of the Digital Pre-University Faculty are located in the country of residence of our students. First of all, workers of these organizations speak the native language of students and thus help them with both the registration of documents for admission and the process of further education, while the student learns to speak Russian independently.
Our partners around the globe
The University cooperates with partner organizations around the world. They provide educational and methodological support to our students in their country of residence.

Organization name

0179 Vake, Barnovi Str. 73, Tbilisi, Georgia

+995 599709229
+995 597207252


Contact Person
Nino Memanishvili


0179 საქართველო, თბილისი, ვაკე, ბარნოვის ქ. 73,

+995 599709229
+995 597207252


საკონტაქტო პირი
ნ. მემანიშვილი


Organization name
Russian Cultural and İnformation Center

Kuloglu Str., 25, office 2, Ayrancı Quarters, 06690 Ankara Turkey

+90 312 465 02 55


Contact Person
Karina Duzcimen

Kuruluş adı
Rus Kültür ve Enformasyon Merkezi

Aziziye Mah.Ayranci, Kuloğlu sk 25-2, 06690 Ankara Türkiye

+90 312 465 02 55


İlgili kişi


Organization name

100207, Uzbekistan, Tashkent city, Yashnabad district, Parkent street, 331

+998 99 430-84-40


Contact Person
Mashrapova Nafosat Rejavali qizi

Tashkilot nomi

100207, O'zbekiston, Toshkent shahri, Yashnobod tumani, Parkent ko'chasi, 331

+998 99 430-84-40

Pochta idorasi

Bog'lanish uchun shaxs
Mashrapova Nafosat Rejavali qizi


Organization name
«Study +7»


  • Quito, 9 de Octubre y Colon.
  • Cumbaya, La Primavera 1, Francesco Barromini y Pasaje S/N.

+593 99 57 58 584


Contact Person
Robalino Zanna

Nombre de la organización
Empresa de consultoría por la educación en Rusia «Study +7»


  • Quito, 9 de Octubre y Colon.
  • Cumbaya, La Primavera 1, Francesco Barromini y Pasaje S/N.

+593 99 57 58 584


La persona de contacto
Robalino Zanna


Organization name

109202, Russia, Moscow city, Kharacharovskaya street 2., house 1, building 1, floor 2, room 31, office 27

+7 901 763 19 71


Contact Person
Maria Razuvanova

Номи ташкилот

Суроғаи ҳуқуқӣ
109202, Федератсияи Россия, Москва, кӯчаи 2-юми Карачаровская, 1, бинои 1, ошёнаи 2, ҳуҷраи 31, офиси 27

+7 901 763 19 71

Почтаи электронӣ

Шахси тамос
Мария Владимировна Разуванова


Organization name
Representative office of the company "SIMATEX UNITED LTD"

119048 Usacheva St, 62/2, of. 27, Moscow, Russia

+7 903 130 68 65


Contact Person
Britvina Anastasia

اسم شركت
شركت سيماتكس يونايتد ل.ت.د

ادرس شركت
موسكو، خيابان اوساجوا، شماره 2، ساختمان 27. كد ورودى: 119048

شماره تماس
+7 903 130 68 65

ايميل ادرس

أناستاسيا يورىيونا


Organization name
RUDN Ofiice in China

100007, 北京市东城区雍和大厦A906

微信:RUDN-Beijing (Wechat)

Organization name

117198, Moscow, Miklikho-Maklaya str., 8, 3, office 223

电话: +7 (926) 820-11-66)
微信: RUDN-Moscow (Wechat)


Organization name
"Russian Language and Culture Center in a new era" at ANO "Russian-Chinese Center"

266000, China, Qingdao, st. Ningxia 288 (11A), building "China Center for Technology Transfer of the SCO Member States", office 204

+7 962 9989868 (WhatsApp)
+86 132 67 11 48 68 (Wechat) +7 999 5845852 (WhatsApp, Wechat)


Contact person
Maria Ulyanova (project manager)


Organization name
Bee tours LLC

İncek Mah. Turgut Özal Bulvarı İncek centre İş Mekrezi No:69/9 İncek-Gölbaşı/ANKARA

+90 0552 312 49 08


Contact Person
Kamalli Ataturk


Organization name
Maximus Education Group

6th floor, 109, Leninsky Avenue, Moscow, Russia



Contact Person
Mr. Andrey Chistokhvalov

Saudi Arabia

Organization name
Wesham Al-Marefa Business Services Company

6493 Jabal Haleet St, RUQB6493, Alyarmouk, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia



Contact Person
Mr. Mohsen Alshmlnay